Cycle of Improvement

The moment you stop looking to improve is the moment competitors can begin making inroads as they find ways to improve quality or reduce costs. Perfection will never be achieved,  thus improvement is always possible. That’s the principle behind the Cycle of Improvement.  First developed by Deming in the 50’s, it is the rigorous application of simpleContinueContinue reading “Cycle of Improvement”

Ready to grow your business?

So you think your business got caught in an economic downturn and there’s not much you can do about it? Well, think again! Quote [The 2012 Gartner-Forbes survey of board directors shows that while they presume ongoing economic challenges, they are willing to invest in growth, especially in IT. The survey, which was conducted inContinueContinue reading “Ready to grow your business?”

What is a CDO

The Chief Digital Officers are a new breed of executives that can create a digital edge by combining digital information and physical resources in new ways to create value and revenue. Having a digital edge matters: firms with above their industry average levels of digital revenue outperform their peers. They grow faster. They have higherContinueContinue reading “What is a CDO”


Cost Reduction versus Enabling Growth Board directors have to carefully balance cost reduction versus revenue growth, we asked them to tell us the direction of their expectations. Of the respondents, 60 percent were focused mostly on revenue growth, while 8 percent said they were completely focused on revenue growth. That was in contrast to theContinueContinue reading “Growth-Thinking”

Digital disruption

Digital disruption has executives rethinking competitive strategy, and has sent product strategists scrambling for ideas on how to use digital and software capabilities to leverage new products and complement existing ones. While firms are counting on these technologies to have a big impact, they tend to fail, wasting resources and damaging relationships. In fact, inContinueContinue reading “Digital disruption”